Monday 31 May 2010

concepts yeaaaah 2

So me and lydia discussed the previous concepts and decided that we both enjoyed the blue head. The issues that arose about it were that it looked a tad too feminine and we had to see what it looked like angry also. Just to be sure. So I came up with the concept. Luckily Lydia loved it, and this is the style of head we will be using on the final design. Now I can move on the this design and merge all our different limbs ect. together.

concepts yeaaaah

Here are some more concepts this time experimenting with colour also. I decided to focus on the limbs and head, this would be the most important designs as the body is narrow and long and there isn't too much change that can be made to this.

I have tried to create limbs completely different from each other to gain an idea as to how they can be portrayed completely differently. That way me and lydia can discuss what aspects we like about each one and compromise in the middle with the final design.

As you can see there is a fat leg and a thin leg, i personally like the fat leg more as it looks stronger and sturdier. The thin leg however has long claws with i do like, and i think i enjoy the patterning more on the thin leg.

With the wings i have created one which is completely seperate from the body, a whole new limb and one which connects to the body via the webbing. I like the latter as it's closer to the original design from the book and suits the body as a smaller wing. If we were to use the other then I think if it was used so small it would look strange and withered.

As for the heads I did the same again, creating two different shapes and styles and thought we would compromise in the middle. I prefer the green head, as the head flows with the shape of the neck and body. I like the eyes, as i feel they can change from angry to innocent easily with the pupils and brow. Now to get lydias opinions and creat some final designs.


Looking through some tutorials on the internet, we couldn't really find anything specific to help us modeling the type of dragon we wanted. It became clear that we would have to jump straight in and learn through trial and error. I was okay with this, as i feel i learn more through this process. Sure it's a longer journey but you can only learn to fix problems by creating them.

We did however find these shots on the internet, a lovely poly mesh of a modeled dragon.

I found these to be extrememely beneficial as it shows us how a drgon mesh can look. What is needed with edge loops ect. I loved looking at the wings, they look lovely and i'm assuming they used a simple bridging tool albeit with some adjusting to get the winds so simple and clean.

It has an incredible low poly body, with all the necessities added rather simplistically, in fact the only place on the mesh where there seems to be alot of geometry seems to be the head. But even that looks clean and rather lovely.

I feel this will help me as it will give me an idea of how much geometry is needed to create a model to standards that i would like. It also shows me how somebody else went about creating webbed limbs, which i had no idea about.